When I preview in browser, the movie clip keeps on looping like nothing's happened. I don't know if it makes a difference, but I have the action in a frame towards the end of the timeline. Use this code for movie clips that are currently playing. Per adobe's tooltips, I make a new layer, open the actions panel, select the movie clip on the artboard, and click on the 'Stop a movie clip' snippet in the code snippets panel. Transition is used to control the change of an element after a CSS selector, such as when :hover or :checked is used (for example, a hover effect on a CTA to change color or add a border). AMP4Email currently only supports transitions and doesn’t support keyframes. I've got a movie clip with it's own animation placed on an outer timeline, with an instance name mc_lettermark1. Two types of CSS animation can be used in HTML email: transition and keyframe animation. I'm having trouble getting stop() to work for me.